Friday, August 6, 2010


So I've done a poor job in the last year of keeping the conversation going. Mainly because I was so burned out trying to do too many things. Sorry everyone that has been waiting for some gatherings!

In September 2010 on the 13th at 8 pm in Falls Church, VA, we're going to kick-off our ReStart! I'll be working to line up some presenters to share stories, theology, and conversation. I'll post the list as it becomes a reality. Stay tuned!

Tom Lynch


Anonymous said...

Hello I am interested in starting this or joining this.
My name is Amy Maxwell.
Whats the next step?


Mo Johnson said...

Hey, me too. I actually have started a meetup group for prince william county. the url is

so, sign up there and/or let us know when there is a meeting of this group.
