Saturday, June 20, 2009

July Cohort Gathering

Hey Everyone,

At our next meeting I propose we do the following:

1) Meet and Greet for new visitors (Let's make a push to have some new friends join us...spread the word and invite some people or get reconnected)

Let me know how many people you will bring with you that are interested in having some good conversation.

2) Talk church planting. I'm going to get together sometime in the near future with some folks from the DC Cohort and would love to be able to share some thoughts from one of our meetings.

Our gathering information is same as last month (plenty of parking behind tavern):

Monday, July 6 @ 8 pm (Look for the "Cohort" sign if you're new)
Dogwood Tavern
132 West Broad Street
Falls Church, VA

See you all soon.


Tom Lynch

1 comment:

Jan said...

Is there an Aug meeting - maybe tonight, Aug 3rd?